Every F1 fan would love to attend a GP,i could have this chance for a 6 times in İstanbul Park.But since it's my home Grand Prix,i also always wanted to visit another GP in these years.So i've been searching races that i can attend since 2008.I've been to lots of Tour agencies and official websites of circuits.Try to find a best possible way to go another GP but Turkish GP.When it came to time that i learned there will be no Turkish GP in 2012,i was sure that must go to some GP.Because i did know that i can not handle a year without a engine sound.
So then we thought about going Tests in Catalunya to see the cars first.But they are just 'tests' nothing closer to a GP weekened.Going a 'Spanish GP' idea poped up into my mind at those days.Just after season ends in November,resarvations were done.Hardest but the most excited waiting of my life has begun at that time.
Just after a one year than last day of Turkish GP,we landed to Barcelona.That moment my dream became true.
6 days in Barcelona were perfect from the very first moment we jump into the plane at İstanbul till we've got back to İstanbul.Obviously our motto for the weeken was 'We Are Coming From Turkey.'I used this card so much in Barcelona but better part was some drivers knew that we are coming from Turkey even if we did not say them.
As you can easily understand from the name of my blog,I just love İstanbul Park,it's like my second home.I've had such memories in there but Spanish GP 2012 beat them all .It's such a shame to say for me but i was more relaxed in Spain and everything was more easy going.Maybe it was because i just get used to being in GP and meeting drivers.I dont know excat reason but it was flawless in Barcelona.
Only problem for me there was all those 'FC Barcelona Botigas',as a Madrid fan hard to handle with them but still i managed to find Madrid merchandises.
People in Barcelona were amazingly kind to us.Whenever we lost or we need information,someone was there to help us.But fans werent so hardcore as i thought they would be.So it was kind shock for me.There were much more older fans than us in Catalunya.More likely spanish,german and british fans were there.Only some Alonso fans were so much fan and were real deal fans.
Montmelo where the circuit sited is such a nice place.It's like a little F1 village.Even though we needed to all that way from Montmelo train station to circuit,it was fun to walk thourgh Montmelo.Also GrandStand is looking a bit old and small from photos but i enjoyed a lot to be there.It designed for fans in anyway,grid and pits are so close to Grandstand i mean at least it is much more closer than İstanbul Park.
I had so much unforgetable memories in there.Also it was great to witness a driver to win his very first win.So Felicidades to Maldonado :)
And also fingers crossed for all to have such GP like i had.
As I have been saying to you through Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp I imagine how you felt there. That is an amazing circuit. I'd love come back there!!!! I need to hear a F1's engine, I love that sound! you're really lucky because you've gone to 6 GP for 6 years, I just went to one and I wanna repeat it! I love your story and it reminds me the 3 stories that I did on my blog when I was there jajaja. Take care!!!xxoo